Why choose ELI ?
Our teachers are all French natives fluent in English
Our French teachers are French citizens with a degree in French as a foreign language. They all have got some experience with teaching in overseas. Their experience has made them well aware of the difficulties met by the students all along their learning process, thus enabling our teachers to help them most efficiently during their stay.
Small classes
The number of students per class is up to 14 people only. This set up allows each student to have more time to speak in class and interact with the teacher.
Pedagogical workshops included in our programs
In addition to our lessons we have developed pedagogical workshops dedicated to the practice of French. These workshops are meant for students to practise what they have just learnt while discovering the French culture.
See our workshops writing, cooking and tasting workshops and trips.
An ideal meeting place
The E.L.I. is a place dedicated to meeting and socialising, where our French and Foreign students are invited to exchange views and organise events together.
In addition a system of volunteer tutors has been set up to enable our Foreign students to be accompanied by our students in Japanese at their arrival in France and during their stay in Lyon.
publication : 20/02/2015 par ELJ, mise à jour : 01/06/2022